
Exolover- Ensuring that People Enjoy Sexual Encounters in complete Privacy (+18 Only)

SEX! SEX! SEX! This is one of the most beautiful and sweet nature of creations, but oftentimes people shy away from talking about it, we shy away from sharing experiences on the best way to enjoy it. Talking about this, sexual intercourse is far more than inserting one’s penis into a pussy. No, it’s just more than that, this because sex goes with a lot of emotional feelings, satisfactions, happiness, etc.

This project offers solutions to the factors the stops people from getting and enjoying a sweet sexual lifestyle. And the project will cardinally change our thinking and approach to sex.

Exolover is a decentralized platform that provides a collection of sex toy devices that allow its user to experience full sexual experiences with any registered user, and also to embody the most intimate fantasies, expand his sexual experience. The program allows you to find new partners at any distance and get an unforgettable experience. Controlling sexual intercourse allows electronic equipment, which consists of a set of equipment and software. The decentralized system guarantees complete anonymity and makes registration easy and fast. Exolover Pty Ltd is an Australian Company that develops high-tech devices for adults that allow users to interact remotely and share real intimate feelings in complete privacy.

Common Problems That Affect Sexual Lifestyle and their Solutions

Factors such as anxiety, insecurity, fatigue and more are most times the reason why people do not have sex or reach an orgasm when they have a partner. You do not have enough time when you have a job, a family, and so many things to do. This is most common in married couples when people just want to sleep when they get home from work.

Don’t worry, this is the main reason this project was bored. ExoLover offers solutions. Customers can realize all their bold sexual fantasies with innovative devices that connect to the web platform at any time. The industry is gaining demand for a new generation of sexual devices. Our innovative devices are capable of transmitting high-quality sensations of full sexual intercourse, and decentralized web platforms will provide anonymity to users and will make it possible to reach the pinnacle of fun even without physical contact with a partner.

Every year the number of people suffering from a lack of sex is growing. There are such reasons: venereal disease, state of health, lack of time, fatigue, complexes or embarrassment to the partner, so ExoLover will become an indispensable assistant in meeting the vital need.

How the Project Works

The principle of basic device operation is the imitation of sexual relations with different intensities. This device is an innovation, which efficiently mimics the process of sexual intercourse and the accompanying sensation. Mechanical and electronic equipment (made up of a bunch of hardware and software) allows you to install programs and manage sexual relationships. ExoLover devices are an innovative development that qualitatively imitates both the process of sexual intercourse and the accompanying sensations, such as hugs, touches and hand caresses.

To use the platform you must register, and you will receive your personal email address EXO Wallet. When creating your profile, you can create both a real image of yourself and a fictional one, it all depends on your desires and interests. Initialization of each participant, thanks to a smart contract, allows you to receive rewards in EXO Tokens. One of its Special features is that it gives the user opportunity to have sexual partnerships virtual or remote. Each user’s external connections initialize the user reward algorithm inside the EXO Intelligent Contract Platform, which allows them to be rewarded with an EXO Token, this award system called “Proof of Connect”.

ICO and Token Details

Issued 1,000,000,000 EXO Tokens

Available for sale 700,000,000 EXO Tokens

Platform ETH

Country of origin – Australia

Pre-distribution of tokens begins on 29/05/2018.

1st week 1EXO = $ 0.050

2nd week 1EXO = $ 0.060

3rd week 1EXO = $ 0.070

4th week 1EXO = $ 0.080 The

initial distribution of tokens begins on the 29/06/2018.

1st week 1EXO = $ 0,085

2nd week 1EXO = $ 0.090

3rd week 1EXO = $ 0,095

4th week 1EXO = $ 0.100

The minimum exchange is 0.1 ETH.

Soft cover $ 500,000

Hard cover $ 25,000,000

You can read more about the project and ICO visit any of the channels below;

Site: https://exolover.io/

Whitepaper: https://exolover.io/whitepaper.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/exoloverofficial/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IT_EXOLOVER

Telegram : https://t.me/exoloverofficial

Author:                                               Godinma11

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Prinox2

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Prinox1

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1771048

ETH Address: 0x1dc522072850Bc59bb2945a950E8647be72D9dF3

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